CALMA Workshop
The CALMA Workshop presents frontline research on discrimination, integration and labour market attainment processes to an interdisciplinary audience of social scientists. The Workshop is an essential tool for the dissemination of the project’s results as well as for the consolidation of international research networks.
The Workshop Sessions will take place on Wednesdays at 12.30hs (unless otherwise indicated) at the Getafe Campus of Carlos III University, C/ Madrid, 135 Edifº 18. 28.903 - Getafe (Madrid).
All sessions will be held in Building 18, room 18.0.A06 (unless otherwise indicated).
Fall 2016
November 16. Mathew Creighton (University College Dublin). “Cosmopolitans, educated liars or both: An experimental approach to assess stigma and support for Muslim immigrants to the Netherlands” (abstract)
November 21. Elise Huillery (University Paris-Dauphine) “Who Bore the Cost of French Colonies? Public Transfers between France and its Colonies” Joint CALMA-Economic History Seminar (Note this is a Monday seminar)
December 14. Irena Kogan (University of Mannheim). “Ethnic Minority Youth at the Crossroads: Between Traditionalism and Liberal Values” (abstract)
December 19. Branko Milanovic (City University New York). T.b.a. Joint CALMA-Max Weber Seminar (Note this is a Monday seminar)