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CALMA team

CALMA has assembled a truly outstanding team of scholars that are leading experts in the field, who have already produced significant contributions in top-level scientific journals which are closely related to the project's research.


Javier Polavieja

(PhD in Sociology, University of Oxford, 2001) is Banco Santander Professor of Sociology at the Department of Social Sciences, University Carlos III of Madrid. His main fields of research are social stratification, economic sociology, labour-market sociology, political sociology and migration research. His work has been published in leading international journals including, amongst others, the American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, European Sociological Review, Social Forces, the Socio-Economic Review, Labour Economics, International Migration, and Social Indicators Research, as well as in the leading Spanish academic journals in the social sciences. Professor Polavieja was appointed member of the European Academy of Sociology in 2015.

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Irena Kogan

(PhD Sociology, University of Mannheim, 2005) holds a chair in comparative sociology at the University of Mannheim. Her main interests are in the areas of social inequality, migration sociology and life-course research. In particular, her research focuses on structural and cultural aspects of immigrant integration, transition from school-to-work, as well as the role of institutional characteristics, human capital, social and cultural Professor Kogan is the author of a number of articles in renowned international journals, including European Sociological Review, Social Forces, Social Science Research, International Migration Review, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Acta Sociologica, and others. She is also Board member and Secretary-Treasurer of the European Consortium for Social Research (ECSR), member of the European Academy of Sociology, an associate editor of the European Sociological Review. 


Lucinda Platt

(PhD Sociology, University of Oxford, 2001) is Professor of Social Policy and Sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Her research focuses on ethnicity and immigration, including labour market and income inequalities and identity, and on child poverty and wellbeing, including child disability. She is the author of five books and has published intensively in specialized journals, such as, amongst others, Social Forces, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Population Trends, Sociology and the Journal of Social Policy. She specialises not only in the analysis but also the development of large-scale longitudinal surveys: she was, till 2013, Director of the UK’s Millennium Cohort Study, a study of over 19,000 children born in 2000-2001; and she is co-investigator with responsibility for ethnicity on Understanding Society, the UK Household Longitudinal Study.


Rickard Sandell

(PhD Sociology, Stockholm University, 1998) is an internationally-recognized expert on Spanish immigration, demographic trends and social networks. His research has been published in leading international academic journals including the American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, ACTA Sociologica, European Sociological Review, Rationality and Society, the Scandinavian Journal of Management and the International Migration Review, as well as in Spanish journals such as Cuadernos de Pensamiento Politico, Panorama Social, Papeles de Economia Española, and Revista de Libros. He also published two books and several book chapters and monographs.


Jonas Radl

(Phd Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, 2010) is Associate Professor of Sociology and "Ramón y Cajal" Fellow at the Department of Social Sciences of Carlos III University of Madrid. His research interests include social stratification, family and the life course, with a particular focus on the transition from work to retirement. His work as been published in journals such as Social Forces, European Sociological Review, and Social Science Research. He is member of the Management Committee of COST Action IS1409 on “Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life in western countries”. Since October 2015, he has been a Scientific Advisor to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, co-managing the Joint Programming Initiative “More Years, Better Lives”.



Mariña Fernández Reino

Mariña Fernández-Reino (PhD in Sociology, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2013) is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the CALMA project and the Horizon 2020 project Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration and Markets. Her work focuses on the educational outcomes and trajectories of second-generation immigrants in the English case from a longitudinal perspective. She is particularly interested in the effects of family cultural values, level of religiosity and perceived discrimination on several academic outcomes of immigrant children as well as on their labour market integration. Fernández-Reino is a member of the CHANCES project about the Spanish second generation. She has done research stays at the University of Essex, Princeton University and the Institute of Education, London.


Tymofii Brik

(PhD student in Social Science, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid). Master degree in Sociology and Social Research at Utrecht University (Netherlands) and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine).  


He is interested in intergenerational social mobility, sociology of religion, and social network analysis. He is also an author of the project about online communication of social activists in Ukraine, and an occasional contributor to VoxUkraine.


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