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Conference Presentations & Seminars

Fernández-Reino, Marina. 2015. “Ethnic differentials in the educational transitions to post-compulsory education and to university”. Conference Persistent Inequalities Revisited. Monte Verità, Switzerland, July 2015.


Fernández-Reino, Marina. 2015. “Intergenerational conflict among immigrant families in Spain”. International Workshop Intergenerational Transfers and Immigrant Population. Bologna, Italy, Septembe, 2015.


Platt, Lucinda, Javier Polavieja and Jonas Radl. 2015. “The role of institutional factors in immigrants’ labour market outcomes". Spring Meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28), Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 28 May 2015.


Platt, Lucinda. 2015. “What can the sociological analysis of social mobility bring to the immigration debate? Examples and reflections.” European Sociological Association 2015 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 27 August, 2015. (Invited keynote Speaker).


Platt, Lucinda. 2015. “‘Is social mobility greater among children of immigrants?”. Trento Festival of Economics 2015, Trento, Italy, 1 Jun 2015. (Invited keynote Speaker).


Platt, Lucinda. 2015. “Muslim integration in the UK: Across dimensions and over time”. Invited paper at workshop on Muslim Integration in Europe and North America: New Directions in Comparative Research, 26-27 November 2015, Paris.


Platt, Lucinda. 2015. “Education and the social mobility of ethnic minorities: the role of aspiration.” One-day symposium on ethnicity and educational inequality: The role of aspirations. August 2105, University of Bristol, UK. (Invited speaker).


Platt, Lucinda. 2015. “New perspectives on the “new migration” in Europe”. May 2015, Nuffield College Seminar, Oxford, UK. (Invited speaker).


Polavieja, Javier G. 2013. “OECD Seminar: Economic Crisis, the Quality of Work and Social Integration-The European Experience in the Great Recession”. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD, Paris, January 21, 2013.


Polavieja, Javier G. 2013. “Economic Crisis, Political Legitimacy and Social Integration in the European Union” Sociology Seminars, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, February 27, 2013.


Polavieja, Javier G. 2013. “Labor-Market Competition, Recession and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments in Europe.” Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies, AMCIS, University of Amsterdam, April 25, 2013.


Polavieja, Javier G. 2014. “The Threat Is Real: Labor-Market Competition, Recession and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments in Europe”. 21st International Conference of Europeanists, Council of European Studies, Washington, 14-16 March 2014.


Polavieja, Javier G. 2014. “The Threat Is Real: Labor-Market Competition, Recession and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments in Europe”. Queens College, City University of New York, Department of Economics, NYC, 30 April 2014.


Polavieja, Javier G. 2014. “The Threat Is Real: Labor-Market Competition, Recession and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments in Europe”. Center for European Studies, Harvard University, Boston, 2 May, 2014.


Polavieja, Javier G. 2015. “Institutional factors and immigrants’ labour market attainment in Europe”. Nuffield Workshop in Honour of Duncan Gallie, Nuffield College, Oxford, 30 June 2015. (Invited speaker)


Polavieja, Javier G. 2015. “Labor-Market Competition, Recession and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments in Europe”. Invited Seminar at the Seminar Series Parcours de Vie et Inegalités, LINES Centre, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lausanne, November 10, 2015. (Invited speaker).


Polavieja, Javier G. 2015. “Competición Laboral, Recesión y Actitudes frente a la Inmigración en Europa”. Conferencia Inaugural Curso 2015/2016 Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Económicas, Empresariales y Sociales, Universidad de Sevilla, 13 de Noviembre, 2015. (Invited keynote speaker).


Polavieja, Javier G. 2015. “Labor-Market Competition, Recession and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments in Europe”. Invited Seminar at the Department of Sociology, University of Stockholm, 25 November, 2015. (Invited speaker)


Radl, Jonas. “Ethnic inequality in retirement income: a comparative analysis of immigrant‐native gaps in western Europe" (with Jan Paul Heisig and Bram Lancee), Spring Meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28), Tilburg, The Netherlands, 29 May 2015,Tilburg University.


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